Country Flashcards

Memorize information about countries around the world. The information below is based on this Wikipedia article, data was parsed on January 21, 2025. To get started, click on one of the decks below.

American Country Flashcards

Information about countries in America based on data from early 2025. You can find the latest list in this Wikipedia article. To get started, click on one of the below.

European Country Flashcards

Information about countries in Europe based on data from early 2025. You can find the latest list in this Wikipedia article. To get started, click on one of the below.

Asian Country Flashcards

Information about countries in Asia based on data from early 2025. You can find the latest list in this Wikipedia article. To get started, click on one of the below.

African Country Flashcards

Information about countries in Africa based on data from early 2025. You can find the latest list in this Wikipedia article. To get started, click on one of the below.

Oceanian Country Flashcards

Information about countries in Oceania based on data from early 2025. You can find the latest list in this Wikipedia article. To get started, click on one of the below.